Working with Glasgow City Council, Arcadis and Collective Architecture will be holding a series of events in your neighbourhood and communities over the next few months to explore Liveable Neighbourhoods.
Liveable Neighbourhoods (LN) is Glasgow’s approach to blending the 20-minute neighbourhood concept with the place principle. Glasgow City Council will work with and enable communities to improve their areas through the formation of Liveable Neighbourhood Plans. Glasgow’s Liveable Neighbourhoods will be accessible and healthy places that allow people, of all ages and abilities, out to play and socialise in their local area. Neighbourhoods should perform in such a way that maximises the social, economic and environmental benefits of the area through interventions that improve localities and place and help to reduce the city’s dependency on cars by making walking, cycling and public transport first choice. You can find out more about Liveable Neighbourhoods at -
Tranche 3 of the Liveable Neighbourhoods programme has now reached your local community, with Ruchazie to Easterhouse covering the neighbourhoods of Ruchazie, Garthamlock and Easterhouse. Through our upcoming engagement activities, you and your communities can tell us what works well, what could be better, and how the Liveable Neighbourhoods project can support your community.
Upcoming activity in your neighbourhood
We have arranged three initial in-person events as below; we would be very grateful if you could participate and help promote these within your existing networks. These first events will focus on information gathering, allowing our team to better understand the issues and opportunities that can be addressed to improve your neighbourhood. These events will be:
Wednesday 15th May 2pm - 6pm - Ruchazie Pantry, Glasgow, Gartloch Road, G33 3TJ
Friday 17th May 2pm - 6pm - Greater Easterhouse Supporting Hands (GESH), 1 Redcastle Square, G33 5EG
Tuesday 21st May, 2pm - 6pm - Blairtummock Housing Association, 45 Boyndie St, Glasgow G34 9JL
Wednesday 22nd May 3pm - 7pm - Easterhouse Sports Centre, 12 Auchinlea Road, Glasgow, G34 9HQ
In addition to our in-person events we will also be launching a digital engagement platform which is available at
Here you can provide comments, undertake a questionnaire about your neighbourhood and keep up to date on further events happening in your area.